A bit late, but still in time to celebrate Charles Darwin's 200th birthday, I'd like to devote a post to this influential scientist.
Although Darwin's work did not constitute an object of study in Filología Inglesa, at least at the UNED, the effect of his theories on literature, especially in the first half of the 20th century, were part of the syllabus for PENSAMIENTO Y CREACION LITERARIA INGLESA EN EL SIGLO XX. Defenders and opponents to Darwinism raised a social debate that permeated different spheres of culture. The ideas of 'evolution' and 'degeneration' took shape in literary works such as H.G.Wells's The Time Machine.
Having a look at some websites with contents related to Darwin, I've come across this Open University page, which among facts and other kinds of information, invites us to "monkey around a little". I've followed their advice and saw my (d)evolution!
It´s amazing to see how many people, after 200 years, still regard Evolution as a fantasy. At the end of the day, people believe just what they want to believe and proofs mean nothing, absolutely nothing.
ReplyDeleteJuan F.
Today I read this in Scientific American:
- But if you want to read a GREAT novel on Charles Darwin's Beagle journey, try THIS THING OF DARKNESS, by Harry Thompson. Memorable.
Thanks for the advice.